Thursday, November 09, 2006

Stupid Democrats

Pretty excited about Keith Ellison, mostly. Not terribly jazzed about anyone else. Kinda unhappy about how Tim Hutchinson took votes from Mike Hatch, giving Republican incumbant Tim Pawlenty the office again. But I guess that's Hutchinson's right and America doesn't incorporate the nth party very well at all (for all n > 2). I guess it's nice to see that there is quantitative control of Congress by non-Republicans.

Which brings me to my point. Republicans lost this election, Democrats did not win it. Republicans, for instance, are about 2 to 7 orders of magnitude (yeah, I measured it) more cunning and shrewd than Democrats can ever hope to be. This guy is the epitome of it, for whom the Dems haven't an answer.

Republicans simply got exposed, perhaps Divinely, for certain inner corruptions (money-laundering, gerrymandering, child-molesting, gay-Evangelist-methamphetamine-whoring, etc.) that probably also exist to some degree within the Democrats, and, in addition, they ran most of the free world into the ground. Democrats are simply on a different set of train tracks, perhaps going in the same direction (perhaps not) that can pick up some of the passengers from the smoldering wreck of the former, but not by virtue of being a nicer, more luxurious ride, by any means.

I don't have the time just this moment to cite for you all of the imperialist and arrogantly foolish quotations that have emerged from key players among the Democrats over the past presidency and a half, but the last time a Democrat said something actually original and bold in foreign or domestic policy, he was systematically ostracized and then became chair of the Democratic party, after he sufficiently watered down his zealotry (see: Howard Dean).