Sunday, October 29, 2006

Craig Ferguson is Respectable.

I was wasting time trying to learn how to C-walk and Harlem Shake on YouTube this evening and came across this video and I have to say I was seriously impressed.

Craig Ferguson played Drew Carey's boss on the latter's self-titled sitcom for about 7 years through 2003. Pretty funny guy, actually. He has most recently been on a run with Craig Kilborn's post-The Daily Show attempted self-resuscitation on CBS, called The Late Late Show. Formerly a serious, in-depth talk show, a la The Charlie Rose Show or Bill Moyers' NOW, Killborn took it in the comedic direction, but left after a few years. Ferguson is doing much better with it than Killborn, arguably.

This clip below is actually just after Ferguson's father passed away, around 4 months ago. What is particularly interesting about this segment is that it shows this man's moral clarity. (To me, at least.) Instead of continuing with the show, not mentioning it, or mentioning it in passing and then proceeding with the same old "show-must-go-on" mentality, he refused and decided that he would share what was going on inside of him. And the bravest thing is that it wasn't comedy and I don't think he cared at all. Some parts were funny, but he genuinely just came out and said that his father died and that he wanted to talk about it - and he did!

To me, this affirms a very important reality, which is that while the true, Islamic fitrah is covered in a lot of outwardly identifiable non-Muslims, as the Arabic designation given to them implies, it is not necessarily deep under the surface when it comes to certain areas and we should be tireless in seeking to uncover it, inshaa`Allah.

There is supposed to be a full episode somewhere on this site.


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