Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ramadan 1430

It's on like Donkey Kong.
But no bananas during the day, Donkey.
Maybe Diddy can have some, but only cuz he's a baby.
Also Princess Thievery should be suspended temporarily.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Spanish group conversion

Rather interesting to say the least.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

DNA: Reason #123,932,021 to Abolish the Death Penalty

My Gmail recently posted the following article above my inbox and I had to post it here.

Friday, August 08, 2008

In other news: Holy treacherous cease-fire, Batman!

John Edwards is Normal.

I often remind myself not to become too enamored of public figures as it lends oneself to subconscious idolization, or shades thereof (see: The Sociology of Zidane-ism), but today I caught myself actually feeling sad about the recent developments in the public life of John Edwards.

Aside from my strong admiration for Kucinich and Paul, both of whom I find to be intellectually engaging and exciting (the best things to appear on mainstream debates), but unfortunately too good for the general public (and media) to recognize, I really saw Edwards as an electable, respectable, and intelligent politician whose combination of humble roots, academic and professional strength, and general, visionary rhetorical acumen (see: Two Americas) had the makings of a great leader for the country.

His '04 run with Kerry probably cost him the media's interest this time around, although it is questionable whether any Democratic candidate could be as interesting to the media as the first African-American male and female candidates (not to mention his wife's terminal diagnosis being reason #1 to spend more time at home).

In the rare political tirades I had with friends early on in this election, I would express how I felt Edwards was the best the Democrats had to offer that could be elected and how annoying it was that two Dems out-got attention on not much more merit. Now, I am not wasting space here on how dubious I feel about Obama nor how lame it would've been to have another Clinton in the White House, but even though he's not running anymore, this is definitely a bummer.

In any case, I'm not going to go into sordid details because that's pointless. The point is I overhyped Juan and feel bummed that I went ahead and did that despite myself. What he did is wrong, obviously, but he's just another politician doing what they do, ergo my blog entry title.

Here is an interesting article, to prove it's in our country's nature, on US political scandals. To be fair, politics lends itself to scandal. Don't ever run for anything higher than state office, people.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Muslim Marriage Crisis?

This is the latest post from a former business acquaintance, HijabMan.

Now, I should preface by saying that I don't know much about HM's views on Islam and I have a sense that I don't agree with him on a lot of things, but he raises a good point which has been anecdotally looming for some time and appears to be manifesting itself in various respects across the Western Muslim world, particularly in the States.

Some of his take-home points are that marriageable men are in the minority and that options are receding for women. This is his anecdotal evidence, of course, because different communities and social circles may manifest opposite contentions, I think. Drawing from mostly female acquaintances, he also cites that female opinion is that most men are either, to paraphrase, religious but total losers, or non-practicing but socially functional.

I don't have much to offer in the regard of a how and a why, but I think, controversially perhaps, that our generation* has been misled into thinking or being socialized that if we do good in school, everything will be okay, and/or that if we just be religious, everything will be okay.

There is a lot wrong with this statement, of course, which is why it's a generalization.

First, to address the asterisk, *, it is almost incorrect to start out talking about "our" generation without a qualification. Our generation is much wider, in reality, than we think about when we deign to speak on behalf of it. So, let's just call this an academically and/or financially elite immigrant offspring generation issue. Indigenous blacks and converts are generally excluded from this discussion because they don't have the immigrant baggage nor nearly the same socialization as this above-defined "us." This is not to say that they experience much ease in getting married. On the contrary, they're typically left to themselves by the "greater" Muslim community.

In any case, I think a lot of people are quick to blame parents, including, sometimes, me. But I don't think we can entirely fault our parents - it's simply the destiny of our generation. Our folks came to make a better life for themselves, for the most part, and that was mostly it. Often for education or jobs, the parental generation never intended, for the most part, to make the States their home, which is why many, if not most, have to "come to terms" with calling the States their home (on account of the unforeseen but retrospectively obviously predictable reality of having children in the course of their lives). I don't know that most have come to terms with it, though, and many are in denial and continue to build pseudo-enclaves of cultural imitation hoping to bring their flavors here to take root in their children in some way.

Bottom line: they came for perfectly acceptable reasons, not, usually, expecting to stay. As the hadith famous says, "their hijrah is to that for which they traveled."

That said, it makes much more sense why our generation is floundering in many ways. Parents came for non-reprehensible but generally worldly reasons, had kids, and never saw themselves in the position of institution and community building.

I think maybe as this realization hardened and children got older, a sociocultural "fight or flight" mechanism came into play with different camps employing alternate tactics:

Some isolated and went totally religio-academic, others focused mostly on academics and worldly savvy. In the end, though, both groups, generally, still need to get married and nobody has really dealt with this in any way, shape, or form as a community.

And so you have non-practicing socially normal guys and religious tools.

That's my [poor] quasi-analysis. I mostly don't think this is a complete blog post at all, but at least I posted over a year later, eh?

A simple solution, by the way, is marrying for character and religion and personality compatibility with an honest assessment of self preceding all of those. I feel, when I hear comments like those that HM drops from his female acquaintances, ("it's like talking to a brick wall") that maybe people fancy themselves to be a "great catch" more often than they actually are and quickly write off an otherwise decent person.

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Only approved questions get answered.

Y'all give this a listen. Brother Ali's new album. If you don't understand it, then stop watching the news and read a little history. I don't advocate all aspects of what he's sharing in tone, but I must say that there is something inspirational about his presentation and the imagery they've chosen to utilize in this video. Do be aware there are a few instances of expletives used here. I'll modify this post later with additional commentary.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Stupid Democrats

Pretty excited about Keith Ellison, mostly. Not terribly jazzed about anyone else. Kinda unhappy about how Tim Hutchinson took votes from Mike Hatch, giving Republican incumbant Tim Pawlenty the office again. But I guess that's Hutchinson's right and America doesn't incorporate the nth party very well at all (for all n > 2). I guess it's nice to see that there is quantitative control of Congress by non-Republicans.

Which brings me to my point. Republicans lost this election, Democrats did not win it. Republicans, for instance, are about 2 to 7 orders of magnitude (yeah, I measured it) more cunning and shrewd than Democrats can ever hope to be. This guy is the epitome of it, for whom the Dems haven't an answer.

Republicans simply got exposed, perhaps Divinely, for certain inner corruptions (money-laundering, gerrymandering, child-molesting, gay-Evangelist-methamphetamine-whoring, etc.) that probably also exist to some degree within the Democrats, and, in addition, they ran most of the free world into the ground. Democrats are simply on a different set of train tracks, perhaps going in the same direction (perhaps not) that can pick up some of the passengers from the smoldering wreck of the former, but not by virtue of being a nicer, more luxurious ride, by any means.

I don't have the time just this moment to cite for you all of the imperialist and arrogantly foolish quotations that have emerged from key players among the Democrats over the past presidency and a half, but the last time a Democrat said something actually original and bold in foreign or domestic policy, he was systematically ostracized and then became chair of the Democratic party, after he sufficiently watered down his zealotry (see: Howard Dean).