Monday, August 25, 2008

Spanish group conversion

Rather interesting to say the least.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

DNA: Reason #123,932,021 to Abolish the Death Penalty

My Gmail recently posted the following article above my inbox and I had to post it here.

Friday, August 08, 2008

In other news: Holy treacherous cease-fire, Batman!

John Edwards is Normal.

I often remind myself not to become too enamored of public figures as it lends oneself to subconscious idolization, or shades thereof (see: The Sociology of Zidane-ism), but today I caught myself actually feeling sad about the recent developments in the public life of John Edwards.

Aside from my strong admiration for Kucinich and Paul, both of whom I find to be intellectually engaging and exciting (the best things to appear on mainstream debates), but unfortunately too good for the general public (and media) to recognize, I really saw Edwards as an electable, respectable, and intelligent politician whose combination of humble roots, academic and professional strength, and general, visionary rhetorical acumen (see: Two Americas) had the makings of a great leader for the country.

His '04 run with Kerry probably cost him the media's interest this time around, although it is questionable whether any Democratic candidate could be as interesting to the media as the first African-American male and female candidates (not to mention his wife's terminal diagnosis being reason #1 to spend more time at home).

In the rare political tirades I had with friends early on in this election, I would express how I felt Edwards was the best the Democrats had to offer that could be elected and how annoying it was that two Dems out-got attention on not much more merit. Now, I am not wasting space here on how dubious I feel about Obama nor how lame it would've been to have another Clinton in the White House, but even though he's not running anymore, this is definitely a bummer.

In any case, I'm not going to go into sordid details because that's pointless. The point is I overhyped Juan and feel bummed that I went ahead and did that despite myself. What he did is wrong, obviously, but he's just another politician doing what they do, ergo my blog entry title.

Here is an interesting article, to prove it's in our country's nature, on US political scandals. To be fair, politics lends itself to scandal. Don't ever run for anything higher than state office, people.

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