Monday, March 06, 2006

Here's Johnny.

So it feels good not to have written anything for such a while. I planned to be away for a week, but weeks turn into months rather easily. Well, a month, at least.

Anyhow, in the middle I was given the chance to do this and help Ramla out with setting up this. The latter was a great event, in my opinion, bringing together a really broadcastworthy discussion that would've drawn huge crowds at other institutions.

On a side note, Kirby Puckett just died from the effects of his recent stroke. He was 44 years old. I feel horrible for a man who came from humble beginnings to join the major leagues (as a walk-on, I believe), soared to the uppermost heights in the sport, and sharply sailed foul within the twilight of his time in the public sphere.

Death is final and nothing else matters.

More to come - just needed to get that out.


Blogger Ayah said...

Weird, I posted something about Kirby last night. It really is sad. My childhood was spent loving this man.

7:50 AM  
Blogger Ayah said...

Also, quickly, I guess before I skimmed through the post, but I just heard you radio thing and it's really cool. How'd you come about doing that?

8:39 PM  
Blogger Wanksta said...

Super late response:

Got super angry one day with negative press on Islam and started a small Islam discussion group which was found on the web by a woman at MPR who asked me to come record a piece.

5:29 PM  

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