Friday, July 07, 2006

On going to hell.

This one is a short thought that I often bring up with certain people.

Believing there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad was His final messenger and a guide for all humanity (and following him) is not the same as knowing that Allah is the only deity and Muhammad, 'alayhis-salatu was-salam, was a prophet. Factual knowledge and belief that leads to action are distinct, from what I understand. One is knowing, the other is understanding, I guess.

The point of this post is that knowledge may not constitute any guarantee.

Consider Satan.

Satan was in the Garden. He knows God. He knew Adam. He clearly knows Muhammad, 'alayhis-salatu was-salam, and everyone in between, upon them be peace. In fact, when he was kicked out of the Garden, he asked God's permission to oppose Him until the Day of Destruction. To add insult to injury, he will literally announce to the residents of Hell, when everyone is cast therein, that God's promise was true and his was false and that he deceived them and is not to blame for their transgressions.

Pharaoh's insane instance of declaring himself Lord aside, would you not agree that Satan is the ultimate transgressor against God?

So, if the prime resident of the deepest circle of Hell knows God exists and of His prophets and revelation, what is the difference between him and us?

He chose not to repent and chose to disobey: a choice we, too, possess.

This, for me, changes the semantics of saying we believe in God.

The only non-depressing note I have for you in this is that if you have an iota of true belief in the one God, it does lead to deliverance from perdition, eventually, insha`Allah. Furthermore, sincere shahada will earn you the prophet's intercession, 'alayhis-salatu was-salam, insha`Allah.

Other than that, I'd say constant tawba and remembrance is really all there is.

But we knew that already, I think.


Blogger Ayah said...

ALHAMDULILAH! You're back, posting, and giving us all fruit for thought. My brain has been reduced to a quest to figure out who the killer is and how he did it before the detectives do on "Monk" and "Law and Order" this summer. I'm so glad you gave me a new post to chew on for a while.

Anyway, I think that this post presents a reality check of sorts for people. Just because you say you're Muslim or believe in the the One True God doesn't necessarily mean that they are following the path that will lead them to Jennah. If this were false, then there would be no bad Muslims. And, sorry to break it to everyone, but the world doesn't split itself into Muslim and Bad, although we all wish it did, because life would be a lot easier.

Kudos on the post and don't leave us sans-post for so long again.


2:36 PM  
Blogger Wanksta said...

Jazak Allahu khayr, Ayah! I am always impressed with your frequency of blog surfing.

Good point, though - Muslims sometimes fall into a "chosen people" syndrome, as if they are entitled to some recompense. Really, though, we have no guarantee of where we will end up in the afterlife.

This is why death is supposed to be the ultimate reminder for the Muslim: it represents the end of your ability to correct what you put forth and beginning of being taken to account for it.

Allahumma inna na'udhu bika min an-nar, wa ma qarraba ilayha min qawlin wa 'amal.

Allahumma inna nas`alukal-jannah, wa ma qarraba ilayha min qawlin wa 'amal.

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that Satan "knows God," but "knew Adam"?

11:09 PM  
Blogger Samira said...

Indeed you have surpassed a previous request bhaiya--masha'Allah and JAKs. It would almost seem that you, too, have found a kind of cathartic sphere out there in your isolation from the usual ummah--it's interesting, isn't it?

Btw, I just came into the possession of 5 Hamza Yusuf lectures from MeccaCentric--I totally plan on bringing dvd versions of them this fall, iA. You'd totally relish this stuff...And this way, I won't feel guilty asking you to listen to this Tagore cd (and a Yo-yo Ma "Silk Road" album) I've been wanting you to hear :)


11:29 PM  
Blogger Wanksta said...

anonymous - i think i subconsciously must have writting 'God' in present tense for obvious reasons and 'Adam'in past because he has died. why then was 'muhammad' in present tense? i had some logic at the time. not now. and read the previous post's title :)

samira - being alone forces carthasis through writing and thinking, you're right! amazing. also, JAKs to you for making me feel like i should write. and i'm looking fwd the HY lectures - and those CDs, iA.


1:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read more than just the title: hence my comment.

Random Blog Surfer.

12:55 AM  
Blogger rima said...

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12:30 PM  

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