Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Silly Zionist.

Today's Daily had an article about the Israeli slaughter which made me laugh out loud:
Political science and Jewish studies senior Dan Goodman is the Israel programming and issues chairman at Hillel. He has friends studying in Israel and also planned to take a family trip there. He said he'll go, regardless of the violence.

He said he thinks Israel is justified in its actions.

"Hezbollah is a very calculated terrorist group … and that is one reason for the American support for the Israeli offensive in Lebanon - to eliminate Hezbollah."

Hezbollah is the Islamic militant group in Lebanon accused of capturing two Israeli soldiers last week.

Goodman mentioned the Hezbollah stronghold is in the suburbs of Beirut, and Israeli forces "need to do whatever it takes to basically eliminate them."

Wow. Thanks, Dan! You know, next time you manage to GoogleEarth another terrorist "stronghold" in the suburbs, you be sure to let the IDF know. I'm sure they'd love your insight. Actually, at the rate Israel is exterminating civilians left and right, I think they might actually be using GoogleEarth.

I simply can't stand these stupid Zionists charlatans who honestly think that Israel is their birthright, that they are the chosen people, and therefore their ends justify their means.

It's so pervasive a rhetoric that even otherwise (possibly) intelligent poli sci majors like Dan, here, are brainwashed into the company lines: [use a slow, monotonous zombie voice] "Israel is the only democracy in the region," "Israel's actions are only a response to provocation," "Israel has complied with everything the Palestinians have wanted," "Israel is making every effort to minimize civilian casualties..." (casualty = sick euphemism)

Why don't they just be honest and say, "we'll kill as many Arabs as it takes to ensure our ability to continue to take their land unmolested."

Anyway, the article continues with some more biased commentary, but was published in an issue with two great pieces from staff on the situation. (1 and 2)

That being said, we cannot forget this developing situation. Indeed, we are a nation destined for calamity in all senses of the word. We are bombed by humans and assailed by the elements (all of which Allah controls). Everything that strikes us demands of us an appropriate "ummah-tic" response. We have yet, as an ummah, to respond as a unit to a given cause without discrimination, subtle or overt.

As the khatib reminded us here last week, it is all certainly under Allah's permission and control. So while there is an element of shaking our fists and taking to the streets, asking the political powers that be to do something, let us not forget that it is the all-encompassing Power That Is...who is actually the Planner of it all.

For anyone interested, I highly recommend two pieces:

1) Shaykh Hamza's piece (mp3) on the South Asian Tsunami of 2 years ago; and
2) Shaykh Abdul Hakim Murad's lecture (text) on the Turkish earthquake of about 7 years ago.

These are a huge discussion piece on their own, as they cut the heart of some serious principles of creed.


Blogger Samira said...

If you haven't already, you should seriously consider responding to that Daily article soon. (I know you find it tempting, so don't hold back...also, consider it a kind of ummah-tic response.)

1:37 PM  
Blogger Ayah said...

Taqee, you've stirred some thoughts in my mind and a bit of relief. I also have to give props to the second daily article (2 from "1 and 2") for being so well-written.

My thoughts: This is scary, depressing, and worrisome. I almost want to make people forget that I'm Egyptian sometimes because my president is such a cowardly moron (not to mention waaaay too old to have the cajones or the passion to fuel a protection of our brothers and sisters in Lebanon). Also, that whole World War 3 thing in becoming more real by the second. People have been talking about WWIII since 9-11. However, now it seems to be so real that I can smell it and that scares the crap out of me. I don't want to live in a world of war.

My relief: My relief comes from the fact that Allah has planned this all and that we are not blindly feeling out walls of the hallway that leads to the end of time. It's nice to remember that He has a plan. But it makes me sad that that plan involves anyone's suffering.

There are a million thoughts and emotions running through my head at every moment of the day now since all this Lebanon stuff has happened. It's enough to make me want to cry (and I'm not a crier. It's seriously been like a year and a half since I've cried).

Okay, I don't know what to say anymore. Everything is by Allah's Will.

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tricks are for kids?

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Point blank question: Do you believe the democratic state of Israel should exist where it is currently located?

Yes or No question deserves a yes/no answer. If you want to support your answer, fine. But begin the answer with yes or no.

8:33 AM  
Blogger Wanksta said...

Felix: If I don't know the answer, I cannot tell you yes or no - and I don't know the answer.

But your question is wrong because it called Israel a democracy.

As you probably know many Hassidic Jews would actually ask, "Should Israel exist now?"

The current location of the Israeli state was a decision based upon a number of factors. It is well-known that Africa, I believe near Ethiopia, was a candidate as well.

I think this shows that even soon-to-be Israelis were not sure, at the time, whether Israel should exist in a given place or not.

Israel's existence is predicated on a theological foundation that is not easily demonstrated with exact borders. This is both convenient and problematic for all sides of the argument.

8:18 AM  

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